Street food is a very popular snack style food now days. It has many different varieties based on location, weather, time frame, and people needs. Most of them are quick, but not like a “fast food” it balances nutrition and taste. You can have them maybe for breakfast or lunch maybe dinner or whenever you need some energy, or just a little bit boring, or it just a pure enjoyable thing that makes you happy. Here let me introduce few well known street food examples to see if any of those caught your interests.
Jian Bing Guo Zi is a warp liked food, it has half crispy warp made of corn flower mixed with green bean flower and regular flower, and inner side has egg warp to enhance the flavor, inside warp you can put anything you want, usually lettuce, sausage, and some crispy pork with some seaweed, and “Tian Mian” sauce, plus some spicy sauce usually is a standard. But it is not only limited to just that, me and my friend used to own a little store to make and sell those in Ann Arbor, MI. We had a great time to introduce it to American people, and even the mayor of Ann Arbor enjoyed it, and liked it on Facebook.
Octopus ball is originally from Japan, however now it is very popular in China, and localized, This looks like a meat ball, but it taste not just a octopus meat ball, it has different layers when you give a bite, combine with the sauce and crispy fish. There is a night market in Taiwan which is one of the most famous street food, it has hundreds of boots to make all different find of street snacks, it is a must go place for dainty snack lovers.
For me, the most enjoyable time would be at late night, different than U.S, in China even 3 or 4 am in the morning you can still get some great food, like those barbecued chicken on the stick, or beef on the stick or lamb or fish, anything you can think of, grab a beer and think about a new journey of your life.
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